Future Animals, Holidays

The Real Trix Rabbit

This Easter Sunday, we’ll give you The Real Trix Rabbit!

Trix Rabbit (Lepanthrus trixii) is a Least Concerned herbivorous [currently cerealivorous] anthropologic rabbit mammal in the family Lapanthroformes. The North American Trix Rabbit has been introduced on every continent except Antarctica and has an Appetite for Herbs, Fruits and Grains, especially Cereal. Trix Rabbit’s Language is the same as humans when communicating with them. it also die of starvation if not given any cereal. please sent help to FAPF (Future Animal Protectors Federation) to Save Trix Rabbits.

“Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids!” – 1960’s Child

What’s your opinion about this rabbit? do you want to give it its cereal?

Future Animals, Predictions, Updates

2023’s Future Predictions

Time for some Predictions from the year 2023.

February 4, 2025: The Cruelty Curtain is invented by a New Mexican Scientist after suffering from depression and anxiety. He does this to trigger people’s emotion to go cold and hard (cruel and rotten) and riot in the cities.

April 8, 2025: The Asteroids hit the forest, releasing newest species including 20 feet bird-of-prey, 13 feet cattle, new bear dogs, The Peanutoids, talking mammals, etc.

May 14, 2025: The Real Godzilla, “The Sea Dragon of Japan” came from Fiction to Reality as Scientists created this majestic lizard beast.

Future Disease

The Septic-Eye Virus

also known as “septiceyenahollius,” It was a futuristic Eye Disease in Mid-Atlantic Countries between Ireland and Northeastern United States.

in 2026, It was the most viral virus ever discovered in this world by these scientists. This disease causes an eye to grow and turn green. it also can have itchiness, blindness, watery eye, bloodshot, burns, and also the newest worse than all after two months without medication, the moving parasitic eye transformation.

The only cure is the eye drops and pills.

Scary, huh? Let me know, lads.

Alternate Dimensions of the World, Updates

Russell Sterling Dyer’s Dreamland Village

Well, it is a fictional Village based on my dreams consisting of living outdoors and into the city.

I always want to dream about it all the time, So, Here’s what it looks like.

But, to cut this bio short, It was the best Anarchy Village Ever in my head.

Sorry for wasting my time, I’ll get back to sleep for a while.

Future Animals, Predictions

A Khonjer (AKA, The Jamaican Bear Cat)

As you know we talked about building a 2024 machine that creates Old/New DNA from Real/Fake Animals and Plants. Now we can talk about The Jamaican Bear Cat from the year 2046.

This large polar bear sized brown panther can even eat any large prey as it needs for survival. Not only a Khonjer eats Zebras, but Hyenas, Sun Bears, Seals, Wolves, Storks, Capybaras, Big Lizards and Apes, especially Humans.

Khonjers gave birth the same as panthers, bringing life to Khonjer Cubs.

Do you think it is a dangerous predator of Jamaica? Let me know in the comments.


P2L: The Brand New DNA Sequencing Machine for the year 2024

We predict that P2L (commonly known as Photo 2 Life Organism), the future Ohio-made DNA Sequencing Machine will be released in 2 years from now.

This artificial creation is once connected to the computer and worked perfectly. it also can convert pictures of extraterrestrial life to create the DNA Formula from digital-made animals and plants. This DNA Sequencing Machine costs are twenty-five dollars and thirty-three cents.

Do you think Science Reality will finally come true?

Let me know in the comments.